10% discount, provided the annual school fees are fully paid by 1 March 2024.
20% discount for 3rd child. (Tuition fees only).
Application for exemption from tuition fees [see school policy] must be done timeously. Applications must be submitted in writing and the closing date is the last week in February annually. No exemption for Pre-Primary, Aftercare or Music fees.
ABSA Cheque Account: 3010 146 525
Branch Code: 523810
Please fax your proof of payment to the school. E-mail proof of payment to fin@dkps.org.za ; ml@dkps.org.za ; smeiring@dkps.org.za (With your child / children’s reference no / family code)
All Debit Orders will get deducted on one of these specified dates: 1st, 15th, 25th, month end or as specified on your debit order authorisation form. The debit orders will be from February – December 2024 payable over eleven (11) months.
Please remember that we only receive our bank statement on the 10th of the following month. Thus, EFT amounts do not always appear on your next statement.
Guidelines and rules for aftercare learners and parents.
A hearty welcome to all our first time aftercare parents. We do our utmost to create a safe, homely environment for every child.
Aftercare telephone number: 021 9034172 from 13:00
Please have this number handy. It is of the utmost importance that you phone us if your child has not been picked up by closing time (17:30). Please arrange with someone who can stand in for you in case of an emergency. Your child must always wait for you at the aftercare class, and not in front of the school building.
Aftercare fees are payable in advance (within the first seven days of the month.). Cash deposits at the bank, card swipes and EFT payments are accepted. EFT proof of payments must be handed in at the aftercare within 2 days.
Method of EFT payments:
Account number of learner e.g. H100. Name and surname or part of the name e.g. H100 L. Harris Aft. Sch or Aft PP ( if your child is in the Pre Primary’s aftercare) final example : H100 L.Harris Aft. PP, SF.
If this is not indicated on the bank statement, the funds will stay in the school’s account and your aftercare account will be in debit. You may also email your proof of payment and indicate clearly the different amounts.
Banking details:
De Kuilen Primary
Cheque account nr. 3010 146 525 Absa
No fees are refundable when attendance is terminated.
Termination of attendance:
You need to notify us one calendar month in advance if you wish to terminate attendance at the aftercare.
Obedience to the care-giver and adherence to discipline is crucial. In the case of bad attitude and behaviour, as well as foul language, we shall notify you. Continued misconduct could lead to expulsion from the aftercare.
No parent, under any circumstance may confront another learner if an incident has taken place. Aftercare staff must please be informed immediately.
Parents will be held responsible if their child purposefully damages any school property.
It is imperative that parents also check homework at home. We have increasingly become aware that more and more parents hardly ever open, check or sign homework, thus not ensuring the development of a good work ethic in their children. You also need to check for important messages daily. Homework and communication regarding your child(ren), stay your responsibility.
Please mark your child’s clothes clearly with his|her name|surname. Do not write initials only e.g. C.A. Correct way: “Mark Johnson”. Please buy an extra bag for clothes.
Collecting aftercare learners:
If a learner needs to leave the school premises or aftercare venues, whether for a party or to play with a friend or any other reason, he/she will only be allowed to leave if you have sent a letter of consent along with him/her. Please get out of the car and fetch your child from the aftercare class and member of staff. “Do not hoot to alert your child.”
Please furnish us with your child’s list of activities and times, e.g. karate, art, chess. A staff member will then be able to ensure that your child is at the right place at the right time.
Area of play/playground:
Aftercare children play on the rugby field, no further than the far end of the pavilion.
Availability of aftercare:
Application for enrolled learners of De Kuilen Primary (Gr. 1 – 7) is done via an application form available at the aftercare. An entry fee is also payable when handing in your completed form.
Aftercare runs concurrently with the school terms (Mondays to Fridays) 12:45 to 17:30 excluding public holidays.
School fees and music fees:
Whenever school fees or music fees are paid, it is very important that you use the reference number allocated to your child/family e. g. Carmen Cloete’s number will be C001. Please pay before or on 7 th of each month. E-mail proof of payment to fin@dkps.org.za
Other Payments:
Other payments such as Art or CAMI must be paid via the Karri app. The correct amount, your child’s name and surname, grade, and reason for payment must be clearly indicated as the payment reference, so that all monies may be correctly allocated.
Banking Details:
Absa Cheque
Acc. nr. 3010 146 525
Branch: 523810